Saturday, October 6, 2007

1st impression

First day on the ship.....


It's pretty overwhelming the number of people. I think there are 3,600 people (guests and employees) total onboard. The gig was okay. We are definitely musical wallpaper. Some extremely drunk people will hang out for a while and listen. Of course, we got the people asking us for Van Halen and Led Zeppelin and one cat wanted to know if we had a guitar and amp for him so he could play some Metallica. He was pretty shocked and disappointed that we didn't and I was definitely bummed out. That would have been killin'. Some people were really complimentary which was a nice bonus. I've done the background music thing for a long time and I am fine with that. The mood of the crowd last night was extremely rowdy due to the LSU game (a ton of N'awlins locals) but it was fun seeing everybody so happy even if they were being hella loud during bass solos.


My roomate is another musician named Emil. He's from the Phillipines and he play in one of the bands. We stay in a bunk bed (I got the top bunk. Can't remember if that's good or bad) and share the storage equally. The room wasn't as small as I expected. The bathroom is another story. It's smaller than a closet which is about as small as my room was on the train. Right when I opened the door I was assaulted by the stench of old mildew and bodily excrements that haunt a tiny unventilated room like them ghosts in that crappy movie "The Others." The medicine cabinet we share is coated with this brownish gunk. They do have those crazy flushing airplane toilets that are cool. The world would be a better place if all toilets worked like that. Execpt dogs, nobody wants there to be a whole lotta toilet water there and nobody wants to touch the flush handle on a public toilet. Make 'em all have the wall buttons.


The newbies had this safety class at 4. After watching a few videos, this cat who was either Italian or Middle Eastern or something started lecturing us on safety. He ended every sentence with "hmmmmm?". He also had this weird way of pronouncing certain words, particularly the ones he used over and over again. Like, when he said "emergency", he put an accent on the 1st syllable and a big accent on the 3rd syllable so it sounded like eh-mer-GEN-cy. When he said "the lifejacket", he said Duh life-uh ja-CKET-uh. He'd be all like,

"So its-uh very important you knowah to use-uh the life-uh ja-CKET-uh in case-uh dee eh-mer-GEN-cy. Hmmmmmm? Very important for the eh-mer-GEN-cy traning you-ah know dis. Hmmmmmm? I teach you to use-uh the life-uh ja-CKET-uh now. Hmmmmmmm? In-uh case-uh de e-mer-GEN-cy, you will be glad you know how to use-uh the life-uh-ja-CKET-uh. Hmmmmmm?"

It was pretty funny. I will try to keep writing as much as I can. See you next time.


Unknown said...

heeey baby! glad you had an entertaining first day on the boat! can't wait to hear more! what kind of musician is your roommate? is he one of those who stands there pretending to play something while the soundtrack does the work?

p.s. i am always of the opinion that the top bunk is where it's at. i think you scored. the real test is, can you sit up in the top bunk without banging your head on the ceiling?

owen nestor said...

The real querstion about the top bunk is can you get a boner without hitting your head on the ceiling? I'm gonna send you a retarted rap song one of my friends made while we were out on the ship. IOt was called false alarm. It'll make sense now that you're out there!

lito quez said...

top bunks aside, i think you should definitely raise some cash so we can continue to hear these great stories-uh. hmmmmm?? suggestions!
- grab an extra tip jar JUST for your own personal internet usage - pity/sympathy packs 'em in the aisles

- start an account on and force us to subscribe!

- play extra gigs in nawlins on your days off!


Anonymous said...

Well done on that last paragraph. I look forward to reading more...

Have a great time... and don't get sea sick.

Bacon Phat said...

nice stuff.

i want to see pictures!

m said...

Love to hear the good news from your travels, keep it up! :)
Oh, and thanks for making me laugh out loud at work with that description of your "safety class" instructor!